HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) - markup language… tells the browser how to structure content on a webpage
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) - presentation language… applies layout, visual design elements, and styles to content
Elements designate the structure and content of a page. For example:
headings (h1 through h6)
paragraphs (p)
type of text (strong, em)
Tags are elements surrounded by angle brackets, used to mark up the text in an HTML file, telling the browser what to display.
<strong>some bolded text</strong>
<p>Paragraph text goes here</p>
note the syntax: start tag, end tag, and content in between
tags can also have optional attributes:
<p class="spring">some text here</p>
Linking your HTML to your CSS
Your CSS is saved in a different file from your HTML. To do this, you create an external "style sheet." (...which is just a text file with the extension .css)
Save it in the same directory as your HTML file (or you might create a CSS directory in the directory where your HTML file is saved).
Reference your CSS file (usually named style.css) in your HTML file, within the <head> tag: