Install the tools and software below in order.
- installation:
- via App Store
- verification:
- XCode can be launched from Applications folder
XCode Developer tools (gcc, etc):
- installation:
# after xcode is installed
xcode-select --install
- install the command line tools when prompted
- see this reference
- verification:
- open terminal and run:
gcc -v
- should see gcc version
- open terminal and run:
Homebrew: package management system to ease installation of other tools and software
- installation:
- see thewiki, or scroll to the end of homebrew homepage
- or open terminal and run:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- you may have to run the following after to check installation and update:
brew doctor
brew update
- verification:
- open terminal and run:
brew --version
- open terminal and run:
Version Control
Git: version control system
- installation:
brew install git
- verification:
- open terminal and run:
git clone
- open terminal and run:
JavaScriptCore: JavaScript engine used by Safari
- installation:
- create a symlink using this tutorial
- verification:
- open terminal and run:
jsc --help
- open terminal and run:
Node.js w/ v8: additional JavaScript engine
- installation:
brew install node
- verification:
node --version
Browsers and Browser Extensions
Chrome: Google’s Webkit based browser
- installation:
- verification:
- Chrome can be launched from Applications folder
Firebug: html, css, javascript debugger for FireFox
- installation:
- open firefox
- go to the firebug site
- install extension from link in site
- verification:
- right click on page element brings up “Inspect Element” in context menu
Safari Developer Tools: analagous to firebug
- installation:
- open Safari
- go to Safari → Preferences → Advanced →
- check “Show Develop menu in menu bar”
- verification:
- “Develop” shows up in the Safari menu bar
Text Editors
SublimeText 2:
- installation: Sublime Text 2 site
- verification: SublimeText 2 can be launched from Applications folder
- installation: TextWrangler download page
- verification: TextWrangler can be launched from Applications folder
- installation: Eclipse (Standard) download page
- verification: Eclipse can be launched from Applications folder
FTP Clients
- installation: Cyberduck site
- verification: Cyberduck can be launched from Applications folder
VirtualBox and VirtualBox Extensions:
- installation:
- Go to the VirtualBox Downloads Page
- Download and install VirtualBox
- Download and install the extensions
- verification:
- virtualbox can be launched from Applications folder
- ubuntu vm works and can hit outside network (NAT or bridged)
- ssh into vm works
- how to persist images?
- nas / shared drive?
- best way to store ssh keys?
- use -i flag with usb drives
- password protected keys all available on nas / shared drive?