Media Computation Skills Lab

MTEC 1003 - Spring 2015

Lab 5 - Part 2 - JavaScript Values, Types, Operations, Variables, Calling Functions, and Input/Output

In this lab, you’ll be creating a few programs:

  1. greetings
  2. madlibs and madlibs with prompt



Check your local repository, and start up SublimeText.

# On branch master
# Initial commit
nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)


(prompt) What's your name?
> bree
Hi bree!


Write a program that simulates MadLibs! It will ask your for words, and then it will print out a story (in this case lyrics), with the user entered words substituted for words in the story.

Part 1

var noun = 'pizza'; 
var adjective = 'ridiculous';
On a tropical island,
Underneath a molten lava moon.
Hangin' with the hula dancers,
Askin' questions cause' they got all the answers.
On a tropical pizza,
Underneath a ridiculous moon ...

Part 2

MTEC 1003 - Media Computation Skills Lab - Spring 2015