Lab 6 - JavaScript Basics
In this lab, you’ll be creating several programs:
- say twice
- shout
- temperature
- miles
- * …and a couple of challenging ones: numbers and tree
Summary of Commands:
The following is just a reference. The lab instructions are below.
# create a local repository
git init
# configure it with your name and email
git config "your name"
git config "your@email.address"
# create a remote repository
curl -u 'your github user name' -d '{"name":"your repository name"}'
# link the two
git remote add origin "your username"@"the url to your repository on github"
# two ways to show all remote repositories
git remote -v
cat .git/config
# removing a remote repository by name (usually origin)
git remote remove name_of_remote
# changing / setting the url of a named remote repository (usually origin)
git remote set-url name_of_remote new_remote_url
# look at the differences between your last save and your current changes (line by line)
git diff --color
# check on the status of your changes
git status
# "stage" or mark your changes as ready to be saved
git add --all
# save!
git commit -m 'my message'
# show a log of your changes so far
git log --color (show your changes so far)
# send to a remote repository (to submit an assignment)
git push origin master
say twice
Write a program that takes user input and repeats the user input twice (both words on the same lin) in the JavaScript console.
- using SublimeText, create a new file called saytwice.html in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/bzuckerman/lab-06-javascript-conditionals/
- setup an html file, and add script tags… start writing your JavaScript between the script tags
- the program should ask for a word: “Give me a word to say twice”
- the program should repeat the input twice on the same line with a space inbetween… back to the JavaScript console
- for example, if someone enters “hello” in the prompt dialog
- the output in the console would be “hello hello”
- example interaction is below (everything after the greater than sign (> is user input using the prompt function):
(prompt) Give me a word to say twice
> hello
hello hello
- save your file in SublimeText
- use status, add commit and push to save your file in version control and submit it
Write a program that takes user input and repeats the user input, but with three exclamation points afterwards.
- using SublimeText, create a new file called shout.html in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/bzuckerman/lab-06-javascript-conditionals/
- setup an html file, and add script tags… start writing your JavaScript between the script tags
- the program should ask for a word: “Give me a word, and I’ll shout it out”
- the program should repeat the word, but with three exclamation points added to it
- the output should go to the JavaScript console
- example interaction is below (everything after the greater than sign (> is user input using the prompt function):
(prompt) Give me a word, and I'll shout it out
> yeah
- save your file in SublimeText
- use status, add commit and push to save your file in version control and submit it
Write a program that calculates celsius to fahrenheit based on user input.
- using SublimeText, create a new file called temperature.html in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/bzuckerman/lab-06-javascript-conditionals/
- setup an html file, and add script tags… start writing your JavaScript between the script tags
- the program should ask for the temperature in celsius
- find the formula for celsius to faahrenheit conversion online!
- translate that formula into javascript
- the program should output to the JavaScript console: c degrees celsius is f degrees fahrenheit
- (obvs with f and c substituted with the appropriate calculated values)
- example interaction is below (everything after the greater than sign (> is user input using the prompt function):
(prompt) Please enter a temperature in celsius
> 37
37 degrees celsius is 98 degrees fahrenheit
- save your file in SublimeText
- use status, add commit and push to save your file in version control and submit it
Write a program that calculates miles-per-gallon based on user input for miles driven and gallons of gas used.
- using SublimeText, create a new file called miles.html in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/bzuckerman/lab-06-javascript-conditionals/
- setup an html file, and add script tags… start writing your JavaScript between the script tags
- miles-per-gallon (mpg) can be calculated using the following formula…
- mpg = miles driven / gallons of gas used
- ask the user for the number of miles driven and the gallons of gas used
- calculate miles-per-gallon and output the result to the JavaScript console
- example interaction is below (everything after the greater than sign (> is user input using the prompt function):
(prompt) How many miles did you drive?
(prompt) How many gallons of gas did you use?
Your car gets 10.0 miles per gallon.
- save your file in SublimeText
- use status, add commit and push to save your file in version control and submit it
(This one’s hard!) Write a program that outputs the number in the thousands, hundreds, tens and ones places of a number.
- using SublimeText, create a new file called numbers.html in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/bzuckerman/lab-06-javascript-conditionals/
- setup an html file, and add script tags… start writing your JavaScript between the script tags
- ask the user for a number
- calculate the numbers in the thousands, hundreds, tens and ones places
- output each place to the JavaScript console
- one solution is to use some numeric operators to determine each place (maybe modulo, division and subtraction would help)
- you may have to calculate each place separately
- don’t worry about input that’s not a positive whole number below 10,000
- example interaction is below (everything after the greater than sign (> is user input using the prompt function):
(prompt) Please enter a number
> 256
0 thousands
2 hundreds
5 tens
6 ones
- save your file in SublimeText
- use status, add commit and push to save your file in version control and submit it
(This one’s slightly hard… try doing it in just one line!) Print out a tree!
- using SublimeText, create a new file called tree.html in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/bzuckerman/lab-06-javascript-conditionals/
- setup an html file, and add script tags… start writing your JavaScript between the script tags
- print out an ascii art tree to the JavaScript console
/\ / \ / \ /____\ ||
- save your file in SublimeText
- use status, add commit and push to save your file in version control and submit it