Lab 13, Part 1 - HTML and CSS Review
- review HTML and CSS
Create Your Remote Repository
This will create a remote git repository on github.
- Go to your account home (
- Click on the Repositories tab.
- Click the green New button on the right side.
- Give your repository the name lab-13-remote
- The repository should be public (the default).
- Click "Initialize this repository with a README".
- Click Create Repository.
- Refresh your main GitHub page and you should see the new repository.
Cloning your repository
This will clone the repository you just created on GitHub on your local machine.
- open terminal
- (if doesn’t already exist) create a folder that consists of your first initial and last name in your home directory
cd ~
mkdir myname
- use pwd to verify that you’re in the correct folder
- you should be in ~/myname/
- if you’re not, cd into it
- to prove that this is not yet a repository, list all files in your current directory
ls -al
- it should contain only your previous labs
- it should not contain any .git folders
- Make sure again that you're in the correct directory! (/Users/student/myname or ~/myname)
- Clone the GitHub repository you just created: lab-13-remote
git clone
- The output should be:
Cloning into 'lab-13-remote'...
remote: Counting ojects: 3, done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
- Check to make sure you've linked to your remote repository:
- Change into your repository directory (lab-13-remote).
- Use the git remote command.
cd lab-13-remote
git remote -v
- You should see:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
- configure your name and email for your commits
# in the directory of your repository
git config "my first and last name"
git config "my@email.address"
- finally, use git config again to see if this worked:
git config -l
- (use should see your name and email appear in the configuration)
Create a Two Page Site!
Home Page
- with SublimeText create a page called home.html in your lab-13-remote folder
- start with the basic structure needed for an html5 document
- put in a title called: Lab 13 Home
- create a heading, h1, with text: Lab 13, Part 1 - Review
- create a smaller heading, h2, with text: Home
- create a list under the heading
- in that list put two list items that are links:
- home links to home.html
- add a class to this list item called ‘active’
- about links to about.html
- home links to home.html
- create a paragraph under that list
- in your paragraph tag, write in: Welcome to lab 13!!!! Our last lab!
- add an image at the end of your page
- <img> (no closing tag)
- add a src attribute, set it equal to an image
- use git to check the status, add to staging, and commit (don’t forget the -m ‘message’ part)… you can wait to use git push at the end of the lab
About Page
- with SublimeText create a page called about.html in your lab-13-remote folder
- start with the basic structure needed for an html5 document
- put in a title called: Lab 13 About
- create a heading, h1, with text: Lab 13, Part 1 - Review
- create a smaller heading, h2, with text: About
- create a list under the heading
- in that list put two list items that are links:
- home links to home.html
- about links to about.html
- add a class to this list item called ‘active’
- create a paragraph under that list
- in your paragraph tag, write in: This is for MTEC1003
- use git to check the status, add to staging, and commit (don’t forget the -m ‘message’ part)… you can wait to use git push at the end of the lab
Style Your Pages
- with SublimeText create a stylesheet called mystyles.css in your lab-13-remote folder
- edit about.html so that it uses your stylesheet
- edit home.html so that it uses your stylesheet
- in your stylesheet, make sure that the entire page uses sans-serif fonts
- make your largest headings red
- put a black border around every element with a class of active
- put in this as a repeating background image!
- make the margins around your paragraphs 20px
- use git to check the status, add to staging, and commit (don’t forget the -m ‘message’ part)
- git push origin master!